Jonathan Kuleff

Results 7 comments of Jonathan Kuleff

thank @deshantm, happy to include a pr. Otherwise I'll include it in the next update I do.

@deshantm I'm going to push out an update this week. I just want to confirm the changes I need to make is only adding `"$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts" ""` to the launch script....

@akomakom thanks for reporting this and updating with your findings. I've not being using ssh with Jenkins, so have not come across this issue before.

sorry to hear you are having issues, I wont be able to help you with you providing me with more information, like the exact error you are seeing, the steps...

It looks like the machine you are building the container on or the container itself cannot access your jenkins master. Have you tried pinging http://jenkinsmasterURL:8080 from the build machine (where...

are you running the jenkins master on your laptop? Is `jenkinsmasterURL` (whatever you are actually using) a registered domain or just something in your laptop's host file? If it is...

Yes it use to just work after clone and restoring dependencies, but this repo is very dated now. Angular 2, Angular CLI, ASP.NET Core have all had breaking changes since...