Jonathan Moore
Jonathan Moore
language is a taxonomy not a field, check if the woocommerce importer supports taxonomies, a year ago when this was raised it did not, and this part was not implemented....
Import isn't synchronising meta on variations at the moment
@guillermo259 you are welcome to contribute
not sure what is happening here but there appear to be missing language files according to your status report: Polylang Available Languages: | | en_US Warning - missing WooCommerce translation...
Actually the following code works for the showing comments/reviews in all languages across posts and products, with the limitations that: - Reviews total doesn't work for products (comment total works...
I haven't tried this again on WooCommerce3. Currently I use this on Post pages and disable it on Product pages as I didn't get a clean implementation for Products. Instead...
This is requested by me, but I appear to be the only active maintainer and I have a custom solution so I have no incentive to implement it ... .....
Language can be set on variations by running: ``` insert into wp_term_relationships (object_id, term_taxonomy_id) select vp.ID, tt1.term_taxonomy_id FROM wp_posts p inner join wp_posts vp on p.ID = vp.post_parent inner join...
Fixed in the code for any future saves of variations, I'll just leave this open for consideration of automatic running of the language assignment insert on upgrade of the plugin.
What else should be added here? Basically sources of common problems which are not already reported in the WooCommerce status report... - current woo-poly-integration options settings - Polylang settings for...