@brianehlert I configured it according to this document, but found that the controller field is fixed. When I create two ingress classes, they share the same controller. ``` spec: controller:...
@brianehlert It may only look like the plus version. Is there a public version? Thanks
@brianehlert ok,Thanks
Yes, currently he needs FirstDay(), LastDay(), DayOfMonth(15)
So how did we solve this problem? I'm using a ci/cd system the jenkins + kubernetes plugin way. The process of my jenkins agent looks like this I ended up...
@silenceshell Pod 的 oom 是按 top 的值来计算的?pod的内存值是其实际使用量,不是说是做limit限制时判断oom的依据吗?判断是否超过 limit 然后引发 OOM 应该是按 kubernetes top 的那个值吧