
Results 8 issues of johnsonz

Hi, @brentp, @lindenb Thanks for your great work ! There was a problem with the annotation ``` smoove annotate --gff silkie_end.gff3.gz 26indiv_ZW-smoove.genotyped.vcf.gz | bgzip -c > 26indiv_ZW-smoove.genotyped.anno.vcf.gz (smoove) [poultrylab1@pbsnode01 sk_as_ref_118_indev_bam]$...

Hi Dr.zhang Thanks your great work in ALLHIC ! I am following the step in ![ALLHiC: scaffolding of a simple diploid genome](, and mapping my reads by using the code...

Hi @tangerzhang After parition, there is only one group. This is my code ``` parallel -N2 -k -j 4 "bwa-mem2.avx512bw mem -R '@RG\tID:{1}\tPL:illumina\tSM:{1}' -t 8 ${r} {1} {2} | samtools...

尊敬的周老师@YaoZhou89 请问在如下步骤中,多个个体以什么方式合并到一个vcf中,多个样本合并还是融合到一个样本? ![image]( 这里的cleanSV行使了什么功能? 另外,在如下步骤中,如果我的流程中不涉及使用多个SV calling软件,只用了一个软件,我可以不使用这个步骤来对SV去重吗? ![image]( 敬上 强森

Hi @AntonBankevich ? Is there need to purge haplotype duplication of the output assebmly ? As far as I know, Canu and HiFiasm needs another run of purge_dups. Thanks in...

Dear @adamnovak, I came cross an error when I build sequenceTubeMap ``` (yarn) [poultrylab1@pbsnode01 sequenceTubeMap]$ yarn install yarn install v1.22.19 warning package-lock.json found. Your project contains lock files generated by...

Hi @ypriverol Its nice to integrate Chromap into this pipeline, Did you put that in plan? BEST Johnsonz


``` (nanome) [poultrylab1@pbsnode01 nanome]$ nextflow run TheJacksonLaboratory/nanome -profile test,docker N E X T F L O W ~ version 21.10.0 Launching `TheJacksonLaboratory/nanome` [chaotic_hamilton] - revision: c181f907e9 [master] NANOME - NF...