Any way to get details of a book? Each book has an id. You can currently get the details (in XML) `[developer-key]` where 135479 is good reads book id.
ACTUAL EXPECTED ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── "[" != "[{\"title\":\"Express.js Guide\",\"tags\":[\"node.js\",\"express.js\"],\"url\":\"\"},{\"title\":\"Rapid Prototyping with JS\",\"tags\":[\"backbone.js\",\"node.js\",\"mongodb\"],\"url\":\"\"},{\"title\":\"JavaScript: The Good Parts\",\"tags\":[\"javascript\"]}]" " \"title\": \"Express.js Guide\"," != " \"tags\": [" != " \"node.js\"," != " \"express.js\"" != " ],"...
I tried getting your code to work but can't pip install: > Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement PyQt (from pyget) (from versions: ) No matching distribution...