John Wong

Results 9 comments of John Wong

还有个问题。文档的写法是需要用到LuaViewEx。但是在[使用说明](中并未提示接入的方法。 同时LuaViewSDK和LuaViewEx并没有发布到Cocoapods,接入不太方便。LuaViewSDK还可以通过pod指定库来做,而LuaViewEx是在子目录下,没法用指定库来做。

假如你要绘制一个长方形,宽高比2:1。那么把这个图形等比例缩放,使水平方向填满字体空间,垂直居中放置。展示的时候给image view设置宽高比2:1,content mode是UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill。

使用mainBundle的话,那么字体加入的方式应该是拖进工程里,勾选对应的target。确认下是不是这样。同时看下项目里product下打出的app包,看里面是否有字体文件 @getinlight

@phpmaple 搜到了SF上的项目和Github的fork

I am familiar with the iOS Version. The usage is listed in [README]( When you run this project on iOS device or simulator, you may read the headers in app....

I have found that. If you tap Load All then tap SpringBoardUI, it will work. If you launch and tap SpringBoardUI, it will crash.

Is this issue fixed by ?

Check this out 1. Fix issue of empty Basemap. 2. Support socks proxy 3. Support pinch gesture for macOS 4. Better map size in Basemap

@Deliaz @ncsfoo I want to install pysocks in Blender. But it seems to be failed at your machine. Try this solution. Run this in your terminal. > /Applications/ -m pip...