John Wickham

Results 12 comments of John Wickham

Not sure if you've found your answer already, but nobody seems to be helping here so I will! Here's a great rundown of the process

Wanted to +1 @bfaliszek’s recommendation of It’s the first HAP library that I’ve managed to get working with Arduino and it works nearly perfectly. I’m using it both with...

Thanks @shahpiyushv, that looks interesting. But it seems that it only supports ESP32, not ESP8266, correct? > You can use esp-homekit-sdk with any ESP32 or ESP32-S2 board

> Now if I have `WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);` in my `setup()` function, I can't get AP to run, but if I change it to `WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP)` the AP starts up. Thanks Miceuz, I...

If anyone else is still wondering, those options are specified in each camera object you define in your config.json file: ``` { "platforms": [ { "platform": "rpi-camera", "cameras": [ {...

I really like that idea, more of a generic `statusChange` callback.

I am using Arduino-ESP32 2.0.3 — version 2.0.2 has [issues with ESP32-C3 Rev 3]( No dice using the E command to erase it, same result.

ESP32-S2 is working flawlessly! I think I jumped the gun on giving C3 a try 😅. Thanks for looking into it.

Also, if it helps your work on it: `setWifiCredentials` is a good workaround for storing WiFi creds, but controller pairing data also doesn't persist.

Thanks for the tip. Seems that choosing "Default 4MB with spiffs (1.2MB APP/1.5MB SPIFFS)" or "Minimal SPIFFS (1.9MB APP with OTA/190KB SPIFFS)" has no effect unfortunately. For anyone who might...