John Marzulli

Results 12 comments of John Marzulli

I have been wanting to try this. Did you use a normal RJ45 cable, or a cross over? Was there any special configuration that you performed?

This is being handle under a separate repo (for the moment) at

@N129BZ - I would love to get your thoughts on making the setup process easier.

Take a look at my "HudConfig" project. I already have REST endpoints exposed that allows for the config to be modified.

I have not yet decided. The config app would be the easiest, but on the HUD would be the most fool proof. Maybe both?

@mrdoornbos - If you try the HUD, make sure you use the latest code. I have been doing a bunch of optimization work.

Do you have a picture or link?

I've had a custom image (of a much older build) that ran directly on the Stratux. I think the Stratux image is underclocked, so the frame rate was a little...

Thanks for the heads up and the background info. I will be contacting Dynon soon. If the current avionics do use a variant of CanBus, then this could be very...

I'll give it a try. I am already sending Ping/Pong back to the Stratux per ICMP. To be clear, you are suggesting writing to the same socket that is already...