"react-native": "0.31.0"
But you got mentioned "This version may only be used with React Native >= 0.25" ???
Hi Sir, I was able to create the drawer menu using this You may close it now. Thank you.
Got do this step: add the native react-native-webview-bridge-updated dependency.? After I done it, it was working fine in iOS but Android didn't work.
I got open this issue here, may you help me check with it? thank you
The funny thing is the Toolbar I can show in the app but the rich text editor doesn't show, This is my code: ``` this.richtext = r} style={styles.richText} initialTitleHTML={'Title!!'} initialContentHTML={'Hello...
I found out if the rich text editor inside the scroll view it doesn't show but if outside the scrollview the rich text editor will show, the screenshot is below:...
I was able to display the rich text editor using the view and style to do it, use the view inside the scrollview as shown in the image below: ![screen...
It works in iOS platform but in Android doesn't show anything as show in the question above. And for the image attachment in the toolbar only this function does not...
Sorry, I didn't put my code here, actually I got try your code and change a little bit but it is still the same show nothing here on editor in...