John Estropia

Results 16 issues of John Estropia

Hi, is there any way to limit training and recognition to predetermined word list/character sequences?

- if `YES`, post a `+1` or 👍 - if `NO`, post a `-1` or 👎 If you answered `YES`, please do share a short comment on particular use-cases you...

help wanted

Objective: allow a way to fetch objects in a way that can wait for completion of 1. Store migrations (need to explicitly provide configuration in `Into("...")` clause) 2. Heavy queries


Entities that only ever need one instance come up a lot in the apps I've worked on. Main functionalities: - [ ] global way to lazy-fetch an instance (maybe `CoreStore.singleton[MyEntity]`)...


Master-like objects that only ever gets read (and only gets written once, usually after app install) are common. The only reason people usually don't use Core Data for these is...




Is there an existing way to order files in a group such that they are sorted without file extensions? Here's an example of the issue: I think it makes more...

This PR fixes Starting Swift 5.6 (Xcode 13.3), I'm seeing `NSNull`s populating the `_removedSubnodes` list and causing `unrecognized selector` crashes. I'm not sure where this is coming from because...

I've started seeing this in the wild from an app built with Xcode 13.3: ``` *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSNull _removeFromSupernodeIfEqualTo:]: unrecognized selector sent to...