Jan Bronicki
Jan Bronicki
Crate a package generating release CI job in the release workflow for our project which should later be added to the release files. Bare in mind that a new testing...
Add code coverage checking CI job using `tarpauling` (https://crates.io/crates/cargo-tarpaulin) or any other tool that does that, then add a README badge for the coverage state. * https://crates.io/crates/cargo-tarpaulin
mdBook is a template for creating documentation in markdown. It is mainly used for rust projects, but the template just like markdown itself is language agnostic, it's just a markup...
Part of https://github.com/John15321/rust-pip/issues/1 task. * Investigate all possible project setups that can be used in Python projects (`setup.py`, `pyproject.toml` etc.) * What tools are needed to build/create a Python package?...
Add status badges to the README: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/monitoring-and-troubleshooting-workflows/adding-a-workflow-status-badge
Part of https://github.com/John15321/rust-pip/issues/1 Probably https://github.com/John15321/rust-pip/issues/7 needs to be completed first Investigate how to actually download a Python package and on what basis is it decided where and how to put...
Add a CI job that generates documentation that we have stored in our project and produces some readable format that can be either downloaded or publish as a web page....
Add CI/CD workflows that automatically detect if a commit is tagged on master and push it to the release branch and release it using GitHub release feature. The release file...
Make sure that the CHANGELOG file is added to the project's documentation and visible to whoever is reading it. Blocked by: * https://github.com/John15321/rust-pip/issues/32 * https://github.com/John15321/rust-pip/issues/30
Investigate how to communicate and work with PyPi (and later other packages registered for Python)
Part of https://github.com/John15321/rust-pip/issues/1 Investigate how to communicate with PyPi in order to get the necessary information about packages, send requests for downloading them etc Please create an `.md` file describing...