Jan Bronicki
Jan Bronicki
@mmstick @sagiegurari Could we use `cargo-deb` for that? https://crates.io/crates/cargo-deb "This is a [Cargo](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/) helper command which automatically creates binary [Debian packages](https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-binary.html) (.deb) from Cargo projects."
> ya probably but I'm not familiar with the entire publishing process to debian. need to learn a bit on it. > > but a good start would be to...
> that would be great. if you could create a task in the makefile to create the deb and have it run in the release build and upload it would...
@sagiegurari Hey Im trying to build it locally (on an ubuntu vm, its on arm) And Im getting this compilation error (I set my rustc version to 1.56.0): ```bash [cargo-make]...
Do you guys have any build instructions? I cannot find any
> @John15321 ignore what i said. seems that clap broke something and are not backward compatible. > they released 3.2 14 hours ago and its not compatible with 3.1 although...
> @John15321 ignore what i said. seems that clap broke something and are not backward compatible. > they released 3.2 14 hours ago and its not compatible with 3.1 although...
@sagiegurari Also, I would suggest adding some sort of a nightly build for your project in the CI. Its made to catch things like this
> nightly build exists. you mean recurring build every day/week not due to code change? Oh right, i forgot that it could also mean building it with the nightly edition...
> thats a good idea. > by the way, to unblock yourself until i fix the clap issue, you can remove the deprecated lint enforcement i have For now i...