Results 30 comments of john

does this actully compatable with `.netstandard` ? the code using `System.Web` which it only work with .net framework! it should be replace with `System.Net.WebUtility` instead of the old `System.Web.HttpUtility`

I think the problem is actually happend with CEF (Chrome Embeded Framework) I hit this issue *note , this question is not asked by me, that mean other people...

@wtho I don't think so, vue-property-decorator is now be supported in vs code for intellsence

I have a thought that is build an `VueTs` with VueJs 3.0 source code, vue is using javascript as a configuration file, and my thought is about direct using class...

@Varorbc 我写的那个 `IGatewayProvider` 感觉还是不行, 每回在你请求 `IGatewayProvider` 的时候 都会实例化所有的 gateway 👎 感觉最后还是得 利用 ServiceProvider 才行 , 或者使用 `lazy`

为了支持 多租户 或者 多支付配置, 现在的想法是: 1. `IPaySharpBuilder` 用来添加 Service 或 `IPaySharpOption` 2. `IPaySharpProvider` 来统一获取 Service 和 `IPaySharpOption` `IPaySharpProvider` 扩展方法必须实现 Factory方法 比如:`Extensions.CreateAlipayClient(this IPaySharpProvider provider,IPaysharpOption option)` 另外将 支付的组件抽象为:`Client` 和 `Listener` 。`Client` 用来...

@fawdlstty 能内置支持更香 新建网站: 网站类型 | 启动文件| 是否守护 | 内部地址 | websocket | 其他环境变量 |:---------:|:----------:|:---------:|:---------:|:-----------:|:-----------------:| AspNetCore| myapp | 是 | 随机 | 是 | `[ { name: 'DotNetEnvironment', value: 'Production' }]`...

Any progress on this ? When will have offcial windows image ?