Apparently the arguments `Scale.x_log10, Scale.y_log10` break the output. This example from the docs gives malformated output if I use the log10 scale: ``` D = DataFrame(x=[0.5,1], y=[0.5,1], x1=[0,0.5], y1=[0,0.5], x2=[1,1.5],...
Additional info: I am using `[c91e804a] Gadfly v1.4.0` and ``` julia> versioninfo() Julia Version 1.9.3 Commit bed2cd540a1 (2023-08-24 14:43 UTC) Build Info: Official release Platform Info: OS: macOS (arm64-apple-darwin22.4.0)...
> i can reproduce only if i `import Cairo, Fontconfig`, which is not needed for SVG output. Good catch! MWE: ``` using Gadfly using DataFrames import Cairo, Fontconfig D =...
> Interesting, what's the timing vs the Broydens in NonlinearSolve.jl? Good point, I should probably just switch. `TrustRegion()` is about as fast as my NLsolve-modification (0.5s), however `GeneralBroyden()` is...
> We can support a version of Broyden that initializes and resets with the true jacobian, without much difficulties. And I feel that can be the default for small problems...
> what options are you formatting with? with an empty `.toml` and `format(".")`
> What's exactly the content of the formatted file? `a = 1\n` or `a = 1\n\n`? If that is the former, it should be intended behavior.
Fyi I ran into the same bug trying to switch from `Optim.jl` to `Optimization.jl`.
This is gold, had the same issue on macOS.