Johannes Buchner
Johannes Buchner
Hi @KOLANICH, sorry for the picking this up again so late. In the meantime, python 2 support has been dropped in imagehash. Considering this, could you please update the PR?
imagehash had Python 2 support much longer than other packages, and it helped a number of users stuck on ancient systems that do not receive updates. I had PRs from...
Hi @Rotzbua, sorry for picking this up so late. I'd be happy to merge this, but I see that there is a conflict. Can you please fix it?
closed by #211 @mnicholl
This feature would be very useful to me. Could you give some hints how conserving caption texts could be implemented?
I found a temporary solution by extracting only the figure captions with the following command: ``` < $input sed 's/%.*//g' | grep -Pzo '(?s)\\caption\{.*?\\end\{' | sed 's,\label{[^}]*},,g' | sed 's,\ref{[^}]*},REF,g'...
This should work OK for very large datasets, in particular those much larger than RAM.
Not sure I understand, stdout is in RAM. If you want to store it in a python program, perhaps subprocess.check_output is easiest.
Updated the last command to include count.
For very large responses, perhaps reading with a pipe (also possible with subprocess) is useful, to avoid using much memory.