Joakim Lindberg
Joakim Lindberg
Override created in that prevents crash, but does not fix the animations issue. element.getAnimations is used in more places throughout the code base.
SalesForce adds a `max-width: 100%` to all `img` tags, which breaks this. Adding this CSS fixes it: ` img.b-resource-avatar { max-width: unset; } ` But would currently need to be...
This border is currently added in the FillHandle feature. Can be moved from there to GridSelection. But need to consider performance, and multi-range selections. Also, changing the selection background would...
Forum post:
Seems to be fixed since 5.6.10
It is not as bad as it might appear. The demo reloads all data when requesting a new date range.
> Do you have a timeline for when this bug will be fixed? It will most likely be a part of the next release (no fixed date for that yet,...