I use calibre's web interface almost always via the Kindle Paperwhite browser. I really prefer COPS as it solves many issues presented by the native caliber content server, however I...
No sound over HDMI FreeBSD bsd 13.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE releng/13.1-n250148-fc952ac2212 GENERIC amd64 cat /etc/rc.conf hostname="bsd" wlans_iwm0="wlan0" ifconfig_wlan0="WPA DHCP" create_args_wlan0="country US regdomain FCC" sshd_enable="YES" moused_enable="YES" ntpdate_enable="YES" ntpd_enable="YES" dumpdev="AUTO" dbus_enable="YES" hald_enable="YES" kld_list="i915kms"...
rtl_433 version 23.11, linux mint, RTL-SDR Blog V4. command: /usr/local/bin/rtl_433 -H 120 -f 433M -f 915M -C customary I'm attempting to read a LaCrosse-TX141THBv2 temp sensor at 433M and a...
### Overview I'd like to see a "delete rom" feature added to the right-click menu in addition to the delete dlc/updates feature already present. This basic file management would be...