Job van der Zwan

Results 167 comments of Job van der Zwan

Not a Windows dev either but stuck with it for now. If you give me some sensible parameters to pass to gifski I could try working out the bat file!...

BTW, since generating the downloadable releases doesn't seem to be part of the repo, should I just copy the `.bat` file here once I figured it out?

(for the record, I switched back to Linux so I haven't been able to finish this small task (and obviously also completely forgot about it, my bad))

Well... > (for the record, **I switched back to Linux so I haven't been able to finish this small task** (and obviously also completely forgot about it, my bad))

Hey, I discovered Pony through the Curry On! Video, and I'm working my way through the tutorial. I was about to open the same issue as this one, so I...

Also, this "show what happens without explaining why until later"-style of writing pervades the tutorial on the small scale too, and in all honesty it get's a bit annoying because...

Made cache generated - it's less characters, and caching up to length 32 adds up to about a kilobyte of memoised strings. Probably not a significant overhead, but a hu...

@zehua: I had a suspicion that the bit patterns may have an influence on performance, so I even added a bunch of extra tests for that: ``` 10922 (0b10101010101010) 8193...

So I had the following realisation: if `len > 1`, then `len&1` will always be true on the last iteration through the while loop, since the last bit shifted out...