Job van der Zwan

Results 167 comments of Job van der Zwan

> Wondering if you've seen the react-select-fast-filter-options library yet for filtering react-select options? If you have so many options you would likely see further performance benefits from using that library....

BTW, before if I selected an item with a "multi"-enabled `react-virtualized-select`, the item would disappear from the list. After adding `react-select-fast-filter-options` this no longer happens. Is this a bug, or...

Just a heads-up, but it's still broken here, using these versions: ``` "react-select": "^0.9.1", "react-select-fast-filter-options": "^0.0.5", "react-virtualized-select": "^1.3.0", ``` (Not a big deal for us until we figure out all...

> *I think I honestly miss the point of a more complex type system when you literally can edit any bit of memory you choose during runtime. For example, you...

> One thing of note is that, where possible, we can omit documentation for 1:1 JavaScript features. Like object access. I would argue that having a list telling us which...

I know the feeling. And it's especially tricky since bridging that gap is exactly what documentation is for

WASM "is" a stack machine, right? Does that mean you can in theory return multiple values by leaving multiple values on the stack, like in Forth and other concatenative languages?...

Maybe an alternative to the generics we know from C++ or Java would be hygienic macros? [Julia has a very good section on it]( It's basically a pre-processor but *sane*....

I think #176 is relevant to this topic ;)

> This is fantastic No, this whole project is fantastic! I get to combine my love of low-level bit-fiddling and the ease and accessability of the browser environment? Oh my......