Joao Aparicio
Joao Aparicio
This[1] could be more efficient if the timestamps are assumed to be ordered. TimeSeries.jl enforces this. Do you think it would make sense to have some interop? [1]
Currently `core.instrument.Instrument` has a method `panama_prices()` which computes the panama_prices going forward. Feature: create a new function, or a boolean argument passed into `panama_prices()`, which computes the panama_prices backwards (i.e....
I've noticed that this allocates and I'm surprised. ``` ]activate --temp ]add Arrow ``` ``` struct IntWrapper data::Int64 end const INTWRAPPER_NAME = Symbol("JuliaLang.IntWrapper") ArrowTypes.ArrowKind(::Type{IntWrapper}) = ArrowTypes.PrimitiveKind() ArrowTypes.ArrowType(::Type{IntWrapper}) = Int64 ArrowTypes.toarrow(x::IntWrapper)...
Currently we don't have the option to load just a subset of the columns. This matters e.g. when compression is the bottleneck. For example, create a compressed arrow file. ```julia...
Found a flaky test, this one If you run it without threads, always passes. If you run it with `-t 10` it has a significant chance of erroring. A)...
KeyError would be raised accessing t['address'] because category "move" transactions have no address.
This commit is an attempt to address It adds to ReadableFiles references to parent Reader to ensure that a Reader can't get garbage collected for as long as the...