Jln Wntr

Results 7 issues of Jln Wntr

Is it possible to do use *luastatic* for modular programming? Usecase-example: Let's take 1. a ``string.c``-file which contains some helper functions concerning strings and 2. the actual ``main.c`` which forms...


Can we please briefly discuss whether using `VkFence`s in the tutorial-example code is still appropriate? I stumbled upon this [article](https://www.khronos.org/blog/vulkan-timeline-semaphores) while extensively playing around with [Hello Triangle](https://vulkan-tutorial.com/code/15_hello_triangle.cpp).

I had to re-open this [pull-request](https://github.com/getsenic/gatt-python/pull/38), because I deleted my first fork of gatt-python. I'm sorry for that. But I've now implemented blumberg's suggestion.

Any plans to add GCM-mode for AES128 for example? If no, explain to me how to do it and I'll do it!

Compilation-instructions are needed for the simple_parse-C-program. gcc complains about too many missing function-definitions. Compiling simple_parse.c does not really seem simple.

Please add more information on how to actually run the python-server! Example: `$ saltyrtc-server serve` gives me: > It is REQUIRED to provide a SSL certificate and a server permanent...

Although I've installed the `ocl-icd-opencl-dev` files `make` fails. I'm getting plenty of _undefined references to `opencl_XY()` warnings_ Please add missing dependency-notes in the _readme_ of this repository, if any.