Using LogiPipes version GTCE version Crafting module shows this: https://i.gyazo.com/42ddd4887ada52b7ff674f976b71745b.png Fluid Provider pipe and Satellite pipe are set up like this: https://i.gyazo.com/903f799895c05b1bee47e15896605e48.png Logistics Request Table with a Crafting...
With Industrial Foregoing, going into the side configuration causes a spam of notifications popping up about unknown errors, something about the inventory slots changing, but its a gui inside of...
https://i.gyazo.com/e1c152119ed62e797db87e9f4ac3ffda.png I'm using Sildur's vibrant shaders medium and there was also a bug with the sildur's enhanced default shaders and using mystcraft with minecraft 1.12.2, optifine 1.12.2 HD U...
I've checked on 1.1.6, 1.1.5, and 1.1.4 and none of them have the interfacing cables that can even connect to sides other than north, no matter what direction I place...
**Industrial Foregoing Version:** **Titanium Version:** 3.7.0 Using Integrated dynamics I found out that when transporting zombie villagers with the Mob Imprisonment Tool (MIT), the entity data about gossips makes...
Occasionally there will be a pair mismatch so you can't win the game, tested with the latest code as of Jan 1st at 5:00 pm
https://github.com/mraof/Minestuck/blob/fd80e52a3abc490bd3fed8012cb0e3437a73b88b/src/main/java/com/mraof/minestuck/entity/underling/ImpEntity.java#L112 if the requirement for imps ignoring you is "_reach_ rung x" then this line of code should say return PlayerSavedData.getData((ServerPlayer) entity).getEcheladder().getRung() < x; not return PlayerSavedData.getData((ServerPlayer) entity).getEcheladder().getRung() < x+1;