I got the same bug. When I set the code below, it will allow all the paths passed. ``` pyramid_swagger.exclude_paths = [r'^/login/?'] ``` When I directly initialize this parameter in...
因为这是旧版的。不好意思,还没有整理好新版的。 On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 8:29 PM, ssserenity wrote: > 运行deep_ocr_reco,报错:ImportError: No module named ocrolib > 剩下的几个可执行文件报错则是:ImportError: No module named cv2 > 看了一下requirement.txt里面确实没有cv2,不知道这里怎么过的。 > > — > You...
有旋转参数? On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 6:58 PM, terminats17 wrote: > 你好,请问下,我用了你的字体文件,发现一个字只有不到10个字体。这样能训练出来吗? > > — > You are receiving this because you were mentioned. > Reply to this email...
Thanks for your feedback. I am still developing id card recognition during weekends so please wait for roughly one month. I will let you know here once I have a...
I have finished a first version. Feel free to check it out. Thanks.
#7 这里介绍了如何转换为每个字的图片。这里介绍如何创建caffe数据库,http://chongdata.com/articles/?p=253 但是是很久以前写的了,我不知道caffe有没有变。
不好意思,那么迟回复,工作太累不是很想回复。 不是这个lenet ``` https://github.com/JinpengLI/deep_ocr/blob/master/data/caffe_nets/lower_eng/lenet_train_test.prototxt ``` 网格是基于这篇文章开发的 http://cs231n.stanford.edu/reports/zyh_project.pdf 中文训练的网格在百度云那个训练好的模型下载: ``` deep_ocr_workspace/data/chongdata_caffe_cn_sim_digits_64_64/lenet_train_test.prototxt ``` 可以直接调用这个脚本来训练网络。 ``` deep_ocr_workspace/data/chongdata_caffe_cn_sim_digits_64_64/train_lenet.sh ``` 具体训练好的模型是在百度云可以下载,然后调用: ``` base_dir = "/workspace/data/chongdata_caffe_cn_sim_digits_64_64" model_def = os.path.join(base_dir, "deploy_lenet_train_test.prototxt") model_weights = os.path.join(base_dir, "lenet_iter_50000.caffemodel") y_tag_json_path =...