
Results 12 comments of Jinjiang

If I understand it correctly, the CSS class syntax in Vue also has some [special details](https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/class-and-style.html). And the generated code `vue-template-compiler` is JavaScript (render functions), not HTML with CSS classes....

IMO, AOM should be always higher than ARIA because we can only use ID reference in ARIA but it doesn't work with shadow DOM. When we set an `aria-errormessage` attribute...

看到 Rx 我的第一反应是 KnockoutJS + lodash 😀

> @kazupon Do I need to perform local `npm run docs:build`? And then push code to the remote? > > I hope @Jinjiang to review my code @xuhongbo That's great!...

FYI: I have tried some ways to run `rollup-plugin-vue` in a browser to build Vue SFC. Now It already works for very normal cases. But: * `consolidate` is removed to...

I think the user history is just the history, not the route structure at all. The history is a line but the route structure under the line is like a...

补充:目前在 Vue 中文网站中发现的几个特殊配置需求如下: 1. Heading 后面的全角问号和大括号之间的空格:`## 谁在维护 Vue? {#who-maintains-vue}` 2. 用来切换 voa 和 vca 文档内容的 `` 周围的空格使用与默认规则不符 这两个用例将作为目标案例进行分析

@action-hong 赞👍 如果有兴趣的话,可以把项目 transfer 到这个 org 作为官方项目一起维护

需求整理 - rules: preset, config, custom rule - hyper parsers: preset, config, custom hyper parser - global ignore cases 技术设计 - 支持 `.zhlintrc`: `{ rules: { preset, ...rules }, hyperParsers:...

Same issue as https://github.com/vuejs-translations/docs-pt/issues/128