Thanks for the author's effort. I have a question. I want to create two images, one is regular like very horizontal, one is irregular like skew or curved, but their...
你好。我正在试着跑google的Attention_ocr原代码。可是我在跑test文件的时候报错了。 错误是UnrecognizedFlagError: Unknown command line flag 'p'。 我想问一下。你有遇到过这个问题嘛?
Hi, I use my own dataset to train the model (train.py) and then test (test.py). However, the resulting images are inconsistent (train: shown on visdom, test: save in the folder)....
Thanks for your great work. I'm confused about the gamma hyperparameter. Could you explain the function of gamma for me? Why do you just set it on the ImageNet-lt and...