
Results 10 comments of Jineapple

Maybe the patches could be hosted somewhere else instead of github to make it easier.

In additon to what gregstein said, verify your game files on HD before running the installer. It's possible that some difference in the HD files is causing issues.

The WK installer checks the registry for the steam installation directory. If it can't find the registry keys, it checks the folder the installer is placed in (so you should...

I'm sorry to hear that. I've tried to make the installer as robust as possible, but it's hard to predict/test different installation configurations that people might have. Stuff like this...

The next update will have the balance changes for the old civs, but the new civs won't be included in that. Atm, there aren't any plans for that either, but...

I'm sorry this happened to you. First of all, to restore as many of those recordings as possible, you can try a file recovery tool - there are several free...

Working on this atm. Note to self: Blind Random can be adjusted

Can you copy the contents of log.txt after a run here? Also, just to be sure, this is with the WololoKingdoms 5.7.2 (b) Installer?

When you start, the installer, it shows the version in the label (WololoKingdoms ...). Does it say 5.7.2 (b) there? I figured out an issue thanks to this though. It...

It worked when I last tested it on Ubuntu, but that's been a while. (This is the install I followed btw: https://github.com/Tails8521/WololoKingdoms/issues/20#issuecomment-336703617) Two things to try I can think of...