这样子怎么定义带有验证的rest api呢? 请教解决方式
> 能否提供一个可复现的demo? 可以的,就是要简单搭建一下,我开源了的,就是练手的sofaboot example,,分支jwt,要跑起来详见readme,需要跑一个mysql的docker,然后新建名为test的数据库,JWTAuth这个annotation不生效的。
It is failed on centos7 of production but it is succeeded on vagrant vms. I am so confused about it.
@kairen can u give me some advices ? thx very much!
I see the 6443. were listening and telnet it can connect. But when use kubectl --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf to apply the rbac file. It shows with timeout.
TASK [k8s-setup : Wait for Kubernetes core component start] *********************************************************************************************************************************************** Wednesday 21 April 2021 10:45:23 +0800 (0:00:02.202) 0:03:15.048 ******* ok: [] => (item=6443) ok: [] => (item=6443) ok: [] =>...
anyone can help ?