Jim Thario

Results 40 comments of Jim Thario

`MSAM-Label-MediaLive Input` = "Input" This will place the label "Input" on outgoing connections from this node to MediaLive Input nodes.

We also need to brainstorm use cases for diagram and tile harvesting and reapplication.

All activities performed through the UI must be supported via the REST API also.

Can individual node state be managed with a small FSM attached to each node from Machina.js?

This might be a good situation to use the REST API directly to create diagrams and tiles in bulk. If you have some orchestration (or CloudFormation template) building the the...

Let us know if you need any recommendations on using the REST API for creating diagrams, tiles, or subscribing alarms to visual resources in diagrams.

Look at a move to mxGraph as an option. This would replace vis.js as the diagramming surface. https://github.com/jgraph/mxgraph

Alternatively, having an MSAM inventory palette inside of draw.io might be an option. The nodes for MSAM would still be active in terms of alerts and alarms, but also gives...

Let's consider starting with EventBridge or SNS topics for each major event type for MSAM for application-level event notification, such as: 1. Media (pipeline) Alert 2. CW Alarm state change...

We'll need to know the log stream name and date range of interest.