Results 119 issues of Jim

I'm using bower to install this. How do I include the css? ![screen shot 2016-06-01 at 2 54 14 pm]( ![screen shot 2016-06-01 at 3 02 59 pm](

Hi, I added this into the "plugins" array within ~/.hyper.js: ``` plugins: ['hyperterm-mactabs'], ``` ^ Nothing happens... even after rebooting hyper, the tabs look exactly the same...

Instructions say to just do `npm i`... I am not in any node projects. Where am I supposed to run this??

You have is listed here: But literally no example of what format the date should be... (I have no clue what "short format" means either...)

Hi! Here's a simple example of my code: ``` #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "Hello, Worldy!" ``` and then the bats test: ``` #!/usr/bin/env bash # local version: @test "Say Hi!"...

Hi! I was excited to add this plugin to my nativescript app. When I run it in my laptop simulator "tns run ios" then everything works great. When I run...

Hello! Thanks for making this plugin. It is working for me on ios (the only platform I'm deploying to right now). In the success callback though I am seeing an...

since pretty much everyone will want to do this after logging in... might as well make it easy. :)

To me, it's a bit weird to have just the one variable use the $ character here. 😁 I removed it here. I would be ok with adding it to...

Hi! I like this problem a lot, but I find myself and my colleagues are constantly forgetting whether the correct syntax is: ``` git flow feature start foo ``` or...