Half precision is also helpful to reduce memory consumptiuon. Try use `tensor.half()` and `model.half()`.
3DCNN is supported since I've already tested. Please paste your error message and code here.
Sure! Since I'm not a specialist in swift, it may be tough for me to further develop this project. However, we can work it out together and make it swifter...
Try to delete launch agents of trojan? 1. stop and quit trojanx 2. delete launch files of trojan ``` Last login: Mon Mar 2 11:53:13 on ttys002 ➜ ~ cd...
Maybe the config is to blame. I've hard-coded some parameters in the config. Please check these [lines](https://github.com/JimLee1996/TrojanX/blob/a1985a0de5502e8f5ed4f623cd9b9d61d7c9e8e7/TrojanX/LaunchAgentUtils.swift#L114-L117) and paste the corresponding config of your server.
作者居然把输入的shape都能搞错,所以可以说与训练的模型是废的,没法测试的。 ```python input_tensor = Input(name='the_input', shape=(96, 64, 3)) ``` 应当为 ```python input_tensor = Input(name='the_input', shape=(64, 96, 3)) ``` resize的时候是传入图像的(W, H) 当成tensor看的时候是(H, W) 要么就不开源,开源就把code base做好,不要随便弄弄就跑路。