Jim Chen
Jim Chen
- update to aliyun mirror
where can I access this authoritative report? I am not sure because my benchmark test show that `from_str` is better than `from_value` can anyone explain this? thx
If the table does not exist, executing the SQL statement will result in goroutine leaks.
RT. It's not serious, but there are hidden dangers. Maybe ref https://github.com/confluentinc/librdkafka/issues/4486
由于v-vuerify-next好像没有github地址,所以只能在这里提issues v-vuerify-next的:vuerify.common.js 大概在78行 ``` unbind: function unbind(el) { el.removeEventListener('blur'); el.removeEventListener('focus'); } ``` --- 查了[MDN文档](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/removeEventListener), EventTarget.removeEventListener需要两个参数的,当我子路由采用懒加载打包后跑项目就会报错 错误如下: TypeError: Failed to execute 'removeEventListener' on 'EventTarget': 2 arguments required, but only 1 present....
example: ```php $user = User::find()->select(['id', 'name'])->one(); $user->name = 'abc'; $user->save(); ``` It will throw Exception like `Undefined index: created_at ...` I find the `CarbonBehavior.php` in https://github.com/yii2mod/yii2-behaviors/blob/master/CarbonBehavior.php#L116 Because I only select...
> makeBucketArray会为map申请了内存,需要注意的是,只有map的数量大于24,才会在初始化时生成溢出桶。溢出桶的大小为2(b-4),其中b为桶的大小 然后从下面源码查看 ```go if b >= 4 { // ... } ``` 是否**map的数量大于等于16**呢?而且从调用makeBucketArray调用传入的b来看,是hmap的B参数,该参数跟桶的个数有关,2^B为桶的数量,所以这里b含义应该不是桶的大小吧
resolve #363