Sorry, I'm confused, this issue is only for master branch? (Only has master label) Anyway, I agree. I think we should do a regression and make a PR with the...
Maybe Malygos/Eye of Eternity is bugged too?
We have any 3.3.5 proof about last point? >When snare immunity is removed from a unit that has an aura with a snare component (e.g. Hand of Freedom fading from...
@Ovahlord just tagging this issue: #24545 the problem is when you kill one or two of three bosses, you get emblem, so if you wipe, bosses respawn and you can...
No, SetLootRecipient(nullptr); does not work with emblems, also when justdied is executed, I think emblems have already been distributed. So putting the lootmode to 0 before justdied was my suggestion.
@Ovahlord I think there is a problem with the groupspawn when the server restarts. For example, a raid kills boss leviathan, gets the save and the server for whatever reason...
For some reason when any of the 3 bosses are positioned on the circle of Rune of Power and get the aura, Rune of Power NPC loses the channeling spell...
Maybe flags_extra 0x00002000?
Lightning Elemental passive aura (62052) doesn't get properly 25mode difficulty (63492) it appear in spelldifficulty_dbc ```sql SELECT * FROM `spelldifficulty_dbc` WHERE `id`=62052; id spellid0 spellid1 spellid2 spellid3 ------ -------- --------... flags_extra for Rune of Power NPC seems fine, this issue happens before this PR, so I decide open a new issue/fix for it: #25811 also I added new issue/fix...