
Results 16 issues of JiffB

Hi folks, everything's in the title, this happened just after upgrading to "Greebo" (Alabama?;-p) and WRAP (in this order). List members asterisks are now not interpreted and printed as is...

Hi, when launching, I just have one line of error ; here is the output of : vkmark -d : ``` pi@rpi:~ $ vkmark -d Debug: WindowSystemLoader: Looking in /usr/local/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/vkmark...

``` Debian stable (buster) java : openjdk-11-jre:amd64 11.0.6+10-1~deb10u1 amd64 openjdk-11-jre-headless:amd64 11.0.6+10-1~deb10u1 amd64 PostgreSQL V.12 repo : https://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ buster-pgdg main DB Importation option ON : Respect database schema ``` =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Hi,...


Hi folks, The original script that retrieves all online DNS being awfully slooow, I found a modification that reduces it to ~1'30 (instead of 30') as my tests have shown...

Hi gentle people that live among small tickets, I tried to send an e-mail from the contact page of my test blog, but it doesn't work and throw a large...

Hi, w/ Pg V.14, such a type: ``` CREATE DOMAIN DA_MISC_MINLEN AS VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL CHECK(char_length(VALUE) > 6); REVOKE ALL ON DOMAIN DA_MISC_MINLEN FROM PUBLIC; ``` used in a table,...

Hi Kreatorrr, * in reset.sql, you can't suppress users before databases as they own DB objects ; that triggers an error and all users persist after running this script. *...


#### Ze bug Hi, I followed the git mod'op and built like charm, however : ``` KERL_BUILD_DOCS=yes kerl build 25.3-builtdocs failed with : ERROR: '25.3_builtdocs' is not a valid...

Debian stretch (stable) erlang-solutions Erlang/20 pkgs ---------------------- Hi, Trying to test it, it returns: =ERROR REPORT==== 26-Sep-2017::17:20:47 === Error loading driver: Driver compiled with incorrect version of erl_driver.h =CRASH REPORT====...

Hi, While testing the tasks example, I had an issue; tasks:start_tasks(10) worked, but tasks:start_repeating(150, 20) returned that: 3> tasks:start_repeating(150, 20). ** exception error: no function clause matching e2_service_impl:split_options(repeating,150,[],[]) (../../src/e2_service_impl.erl, line...