Unity-Raymarching-Framework icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Unity-Raymarching-Framework copied to clipboard

A framework to easy implement raymarching in unity. Include lots of hash,noise,fbm,SDF,rotate functions


A framework to easy implement raymarching in unity. Include lots of hash,noise,fbm,SDF,rotate functions,most of them come from shadertoy,with this library,you can easy write raymarching shader in unity without rewrite the noise function again.

also,this framework provide a easy way to merge your raymarching scene with unity scene.

Include Noise:

1.PNoise :Perlin Noise
2.VNoise :Value Noise
3.SNoise :Simplex Noise
4.WNoise :Worley Noise (Voronoi)
4.TNoise :TriNoise


// x out, x in...
eg: float2 Hash22(float2 p)
means 2 in 2 out


float FBM( float2 p )
float FBM( float2 p,float iterNum)




SdBox ...
OpU OpS ...

File specification:

.Math.cginc :some math functions and macros
.Hash.cginc : hash function
.Noise.cginc : Noise functions eg:PerlinNoise,ValueNoise,SimplexNoise,VoronoiNoise,TriNoise
.FBM.cginc: Fbm functions
.Feature.cginc: some special function : Caustic,Stars,Cloud,Fog ...
.SDF.cginc :some distance function use for modeling
.Framework3D.cginc :a raymarching framework
.Framework3D_DefaultScene.cginc : use for quickly create a Test scene

With this framework,you can easy merge raymarching scene with Unity ,and easy to walk around in it ,without rewrite a "SetCamera" function to init ro,rd variable.

Here is a example:

Shader "FishManShaderTutorial/RaymarchMergeExample" {
        _MainTex("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
        Pass {
            ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off
#pragma vertex vert   
#pragma fragment frag  
#include "ShaderLibs/Framework3D.cginc"
            float4 ProcessRayMarch(float2 uv,float3 ro,float3 rd,inout float sceneDep,float4 sceneCol)  {
                float3 col = float3(0.,0.,0.);
                float3 n = float3(0.,1.0,0.);
                float t = sceneDep + 10;
                float occ = 0.;
                float3 sc =  float3(0.,0.5,0.);
                float3 sr = 0.5;
                float3 ce = sc - ro;
                float b = dot( rd, ce );
                float tt = sr*sr - (dot( ce, ce )- b*b );
                if( tt > 0.0 ){
                    t = b - sqrt(tt);
                    float3 p = ro+t*rd;
                    col = 0.5+0.5*cos(2.*PI*(float3(1.,1.,1.)*p.y*0.2+float3(0.,0.33,0.67)));
                MergeRayMarchingIntoUnity(t,col, sceneDep,sceneCol);
                return float4(col,1.0);
        }//end pass
    }//end SubShader
    FallBack Off

A simple scene example:

// create by JiepengTan 2018-04-14 
// email: [email protected]
Shader "FishManShaderTutorial/SDFBounceBall" {
        _MainTex("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
        Pass {
            ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off

#pragma vertex vert   
#pragma fragment frag  

#include "ShaderLibs/Framework3D_DefaultRender.cginc"
            fixed SdBounceBalls(fixed3 pos){
                fixed SIZE = 2.;
                fixed2 gridSize = fixed2(SIZE,SIZE);
                fixed rv = Hash12( floor((pos.xz) / gridSize));
                pos.xz = OpRep(pos.xz,gridSize);
                fixed bollSize = 0.1;
                fixed bounceH = .5;
                return SdSphere(pos- fixed3(0.,(bollSize+bounceH+sin(_Time.y*3.14 + rv*6.24)*bounceH),0.),bollSize);
            // user define mat shading function 
            fixed3 MatCol(float matID,float3 pos,float3 nor)
                // material        
                fixed3 col = 0.45 + 0.35*sin( fixed3(0.05,0.08,0.10)*(matID-1.0) );
                if( matID<1.5 )
                    fixed f = CheckersGradBox( 5.0*pos.xz );
                    col = 0.3 + f*fixed3(0.1,0.1,0.1);
                return col;
            // user define scene construct function
            fixed2 Map( in fixed3 pos )
                fixed2 res = fixed2( SdPlane(     pos), 1.0 )  ;
                res = OpU( res, fixed2( SdBounceBalls( pos),1.) );
                return res;

        }//end pass
    }//end SubShader
    FallBack Off

More examples: