Right, it is when there is an error or unsuccessful result, the mount point remains. So whatever clean up should be working, seems to fail at least some of the...
Cool. That is what I was looking for. Thanks.
This is really breaking PiShrink, it fails about 90% of the time. I have captured images in Windows, Linux, etc. Used various tools, the images are functional and work fine,...
Yeah, when I realized that gpart was not failing even though it can't process boot given it is vfat, that is snag in some way, that suggest that pishrink might...
Odd, that I did should have worked... EspMQTTClient::EspMQTTClient( const char* wifiSsid, const char* wifiPassword, const char* mqttServerIp, const char* mqttClientName, const short mqttServerPort) : EspMQTTClient(wifiSsid, wifiPassword, mqttServerIp, NULL, NULL, mqttClientName,...
Just installed 3.10.2 from source, so it defaults to /usr/local/bin. Just started a simple script... to play with it, and I happen to grab one that used mqtt.
I am using umqtt.simple at the moment, which yes is pretty limited but the robust variant does not seem to have an unsubscribe method either. I am working on a...
Not a bug? But a missed opportunity then. Specific to Pico, yes, an error that the image is not correct would be a very good thing. The fact that the...
Just for reference, there might be a to determine the Pico device type. At least across the Pico devices I have. For example: `machine.ubinascii.hexlify(unique_id()).decode()` Always seems to return 'e6605481db' the...
True, these may not be truly qualified by type, only but processor id or serial number via 2040. That is the question that I think should be posed to the...