Obj file is used to generate orthophoto image after texture reconstruction. Some black(white) holes will appear and the pixel value is 0 My steps and execution parameters are as follows:...
Using TextureMesh to rebuild the texture, when set to --empty-color=0, some data sets produce black edges and blocks with very small pixel values such as (1,1,1). How can I avoid...
I want to use the monograph method to assemble photos. First,I use the four-point coordinates of the photo to convert to world coordinates as follow: 1、The photo coordinates are: ```...
I ran the sfm process with the following command: openMVG_main_SfM -P -c 4 -s INCREMENTAL -i "F:\uavData\project_104\images\matches\sfm_data.json" -m F:\uavData\project_104\images\matches -o F:\uavData\project_104\images\reconstruction The initial point cloud obtained was fine until 00000017_Resection.ply,The...
How do I set the plane parameter on my own dataset
Firstly, thanks for your cracking work and open sourcing this repo - I feel like I am definitely standing on the shoulders of giants! The problem is: 1、How to choose...
There was a new paper on 3D reconstruction recently 【Global Structure-from-Motion Revisited】,Paper address:[https://lpanaf.github.io/eccv24_glomap/](url) Are there any plans to integrate this into openMVG
您好 我在本地使用docker启动了服务,上传照片进行标注,同样的照片同样的方式为什么和官网上的自动标注结果不一样呢,官网上的结果很好,本地的效果不理想。
When I did incremental reconstruction, the initial matching pairs were not selected correctly on part of the data set, resulting in SFM rebuilding only part of the photos or even...