I am sorry, So you can pass all the tests by default??(by just clone repo, cd dir, run pytest
big thanks for your quick response, totally agree with you, It might be some problems that happened to CGAL, cause the first two tests passed which are only call meshio...
Hi, Nico Schlömer, Firstly, I just figure out the problem I faced several days ago because you upload two test mesh cases as large files using git-lfs (which is not...
How about subdividing triangles to ensure having enough triangles, then using optimesh to upgrade the whole quality? (as another way to do remeshing)Does this idea make sense? (seems optimesh just...
I also met similar issues when using this tool to compose some SVG images, I don't have time to check the code, but according to my experience, I guess this...
@dperyel thanks for your reply, my original thinking about remeshing is pretty like my comment as in https://github.com/pmp-library/pmp-library/issues/92#issue-1081799030 all of these remeshing algorithms follow a similar pipeline, someone from Open3D...
Hi, thanks for considering my suggestion, recently, I just found another paper focusing on remeshing, it follows a similar pipeline, while the most different part of this method is vertex...
any one can show some example about 3D plot??? even it's very basic?? thank you
and it look like there's no save function, how about add one?
sorry, i just found that.