
Results 8 issues of H.F.

> 由于Chrome扩展没有写入本地文件的权限,所以无法下载图片。倒是可以把相册的图片链接导出,然后导入下载工具进行下载,不过没有归档整理,意义不大。 > > 图片备份会在以后的“里豆瓣”项目中实现 > > _Originally posted by @tabris17 in https://github.com/doufen-org/tofu/issues/2#issuecomment-519913410_ 所以储存可以指向 dav 等协议的网盘吗?

When I try to create attribute in HDF5.Datatype(HDF5.H5T_C_S1) following this document: >creates groups, datasets, and attributes without writing any data to them. You can then use write(obj, data) to store...


```julia julia> findlocalmaxima([1 2 3 2 1]) 1-element Vector{CartesianIndex{2}}: CartesianIndex(1, 3) julia> findlocalmaxima([1 2 3 3 1]) CartesianIndex{2}[] ```` I'm not sure whether it is a bug or I need...

FYI: ``` qblab@qblab-tape:~$ brew install ltopers ==> Installing ltopers from amiaopensource/amiaos ==> Installing dependencies for amiaopensource/amiaos/ltopers: tnftp, tree, xmlstarlet and mediamicroservices/mm/mm ==> Installing amiaopensource/amiaos/ltopers dependency: tnftp ==> Downloading https://opensource.apple.com/tarballs/lukemftp/lukemftp-16.tar.gz Already...

The hpsa-dkms doesn't generate hpsa module with `hpsa_use_nvram_hba_flag` during kernel upgrade. It suggests that the hpsa is not been patched. If I remove hpsa-dkms by `dkms remove hpsa-dkms/1.0 --all `...

FileIO.jl can load BigTIFF, but fail to save it. `convert -list format` shows the ability to save as BigTIFF. ```bash cd .julia/packages/ImageMagick/vMfoS/deps/usr/bin ./convert -list format TIFF* rw+ Tagged Image File...

Saving OMETIFF is supposed as: 1. extract metadata from inside OMETIFF container, feed to omexml generator 2. reinterpret data to 2D into a TiffImage container, feed omexl to first ifd's...