I used two class of Pascal and pre-trained model: pre-trained Resnet v2 101 model. The label set was as follows: label_colours = [(0, 0, 0), # 0=background # 15=person (192,...
I run the code on my computer without GPU, but the error happens at creating model: RuntimeError: Unknown model (efficientformer_l1). The versions of torch, timm, and submitit are 1.8.0+cpu, 0.6.7...
Hi, I wonder the version of tensorflow and python. I run the code and it gives me message that the version is not matched. Thanks.
I want to try huge and giant model, but no config files. Could you please make the config files open? Thanks.
I got the error as follows: VALID KEYS: conv10_bias: (64L,)->(64, 64, 3, 3) 0 | conv10_bias -> conv10 , initialized. ('conv10_weight', 'conv10_fwd') Traceback (most recent call last): File "mxnet2caffe.py", line...