Jiahang Wu

Results 3 issues of Jiahang Wu

I want to learn this code following with the readme, but there is not a demo.dy file in this repository. Would you like upload a new demo.dy?

Hello, when I see your code, I don't understand the meaning of op_mask. Could you explain this variable's mean?

如题目中给的事例: [-2,1,-3,4,-1,2,1,-5,4] 当下标i=2(即nums[i] = -3)时,当前的子序列最大和应该为 1 (子序列为[1]) 而不是 -2 (而不是[1, -3])才对呀? 不知道是我自己没理解对还是确实有些问题,请各位大神帮忙解惑一下。 谢谢大家