The cmake --version(version 3.5.1) is installed on my linux! Why do I have this problem???
My training set has 100,000 doc samples and 1,000 tags, but I found that tags satisfy the long tail distribution. Some tags only appear in less than 10 docs, while...
`def get_all_words(self): """ Return all words tokenized, in lowercase and without punctuation """ return [w.lower() for w in word_tokenize(self.text) if w not in string.punctuation] ` I found that in this...
关于multi-label text classification的问题,用何种方式来评估模型的好坏最好呢?我看你用的是precision_score, recall_score, f1_score, roc_auc_score, average_precision_score。那么其他的评估方法可以吗?比如说hamming_loss,zero_one_loss,jaccard_similarity_score还是accuracy_score
Is the execution time of the interface a little slow? Which part of the interface executes slowly?