lets-plot copied to clipboard
Continuous scale fails if the scale limits are outside of the range of the data
x = [i for i in range(0, 6)],
c = [i for i in range(0, 6)]
+ geom_point(aes(x = "x", color="c"), size=20) \
- Lower limit is inside the range of the data [0..5]
+ scale_color_continuous(limits=[4, 10])
- Lower limit >= the max of the data
+ scale_color_continuous(limits=[5, 10])
Internal error: IllegalStateException : [ContinuousTransformWithLimits] Lower end 4.5 is outside of transform's domain.
- Upper limit is inside of the range of the data
+ scale_color_continuous(limits=[-1, 1])
- Upper limit <= the min of the data
+ scale_color_continuous(limits=[-1, 0])
Internal error: IllegalStateException : [ContinuousTransformWithLimits] Upper end 0.5 is outside of transform's domain.