https://github.com/ChrisKnott/Eel/issues/128#issuecomment-496274814 This might help? You still cannot make border-less windows with the default mode, I guess.
Hmn might have a bug somewhere in there. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/39522664/103672189-6b121280-4f95-11eb-8cee-6a694bc98801.mp4 Everything else feels pretty great
Try converting it into an exe, that's what I did. Check out pyinstaller
Yes this happened to me too. Somehow the --noconsole flag causes this. I've found out a possible workaround for this that works fine though. ``` def hideConsole(): whnd = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleWindow()...
This is weird. Even in Development mode, the first login is unsuccessful and returns the same error. _However_, when I call the same function again immediately afterwards, it somehow works...