Besides, does it have a way to draw 3D lines like OpenGL? It looks like for some animation or simulation frame-wire is enough.
Got it. Thanks. But I am still not sure about the meaning here. ` model.pos[0] = [+0.0, +0.5, 0.0] model.pos[1] = [-0.5, -0.5, 0.0] model.pos[2] = [+0.5, -0.5, 0.0] model.nrm[0]...
Ah. Got it. Thanks. It looks like I understand it correctly :) But this rule is still quite strange for me.
Hello! Thank you for your reply! As for FEM (Finite Element Method) rendering, maybe 'volumetric mesh' is a more accurate way to say... Sorry for that :blush: . Some examples...
Besides, I still have question for the design of the TriangleRaster. Why don't set 'Clipping' as a default True setting? This can make it more similar to a regular rasterizer...