@WongKinYiu Looking at the experimental.py in 249 it says # torch 1.11.0 compatibility. What about for torch 1.12.1 which is the latest version on pytorch.
@updatelse Use the json/coco format then convert it to Yolo v5 format. You can find the link for the code https://github.com/ultralytics/JSON2YOLO
For the 2nd question i figured! I commented these lines and it worked. ``` # if save_img or save_crop or view_img: # Add bbox to image # c = int(cls)...
@chelsea456 Hi you can use roboflow or VGG annotator or labelme to label your data. If you are using robflow you should be able to extract the annotation in the...
@WongKinYiu Hey thanks, does this mean i should clone the updated version or should i change something in train.py file?
@WongKinYiu Thanks it works. Was just wondering how to extract only the mask from the test,py file. For example to calculate the area from the mask. Any Idea on that?
Hi @lululxvi , thanks for the reply. That would be possible if it was using CFD simulation. However, i am targeting towards experimental data. Hence i want to add data...
@lululxvi Thanks i will have a look at it and get back once i have resolve it.
Hi @lululxvi, Could you please guide me how may i address this?