Jeremy Vriens
Jeremy Vriens
@ahsisti this looks more like a new feature to me. Looking at the general_hardcoded_password plugin it doesn't check for the content of the string (source:
I was experiencing the same issue (with Celery) and I figured out that it's not specifically related to the AzureExporter, but to the [opencensus.common.schedule.Queue]( @dpgrodriguez helped me on the way...
I created this feature request/issue based on the findings after fixing and I will pick this one up myself as well.
> @JeremyVriens > Thanks for the contribution! Please sign the CLA when you have the time. I did, but I did a commit with the wrong git email config. Will...
This is a hard to tackle issue (you can tell by the bug report discussions) and I'm not so sure if there's a different/better way of sharing the queue between...
Hi @giltal1 since we are experiencing the same issue and you didn't mention picking it up, I have created the following PR:
I was able to reproduce it with the same code: ``` from sqlalchemy import MetaData, create_engine if __name__ == "__main__": engine = create_engine("mssql+pyodbc://?odbc_connect=SERVER%3Dlocalhost%2C1433%3BDATABASE%3Dtempdb%3BUID%3DSA%3BPWD%3DyourStrong(!)Password%3BDRIVER%3DODBC+Driver+17+for+SQL+Server%3B") MetaData().reflect(bind=engine) ``` While running the database via...
Good catch. I can confirm that without the tempdb it works as expected.
Agreed, @lzchen when can we expect a release of the `opencensus-ext-sqlalchemy`? [A fix]( has already been merged November 17th last year.
+1 for this request. I've solved it with a Docker multi-stage build (, where I install the sqlpackage in the "builder" stage and copy the executable over to the production...