Hi @adamedx and @MichaMican - this isn't exactly the answer to this issue, but something I only thought to do recently was to 'watch' the [msgraph-sdk-powershell repo]( and set the...
I just tested trying to get around this by using the /Common/ tenant, and left out offline_access, so just Ews.AccessAsUser.All, but get this: > AADSTS70011: The provided value for the...
Just remembered, for self-service, you can setup an App Password in your own Microsoft account (MSA), and then do basic auth, and that way at least lets you manage the...
@MichelZ just checking, but are you only concerned here about Microsoft personal/consumer accounts? I'm asking because Ews Managed API works great with OAuth2 for work/school accounts. It is even supported...
@MichelZ ahh I see it now (this: I feel your pain, but I bet they will either postpone or succeed in replacing all functionality with MS Graph equivalents.
@ErikjeMS and the PM, as well as loop in @mgroover . Can we please re-open this issue? The PM's response on this one was invalid. It's already stated in the...
Thanks @ErikjeMS . I have a quick addition to the question. Per this other Docs article - - it is shown that Hybrid Azure AD Joined devices are immune...
> OK so this goes on for a full two-years, is still a discrepancy, and it gets closed???? I agree this is disheartening. I am going to submit a PR...
@robinmalik @peombwa Hi guys. I don't suppose you could share some layman's terms level tips for using the large/resumable upload sessions? I find [New-MgDriveItemUploadSession](, but nothing else that obviously goes...
@mikewoodd3432 thanks for that and yes, exactly that. I just so happened to be looking into this this week and came to realize that's the way to 'feed' the data....