Hi, ## Description Adding an equality constraint silently break the optimization. Independent variables becomes `NaN` for all iteration steps (excepting the first one) breaking gradient computation too. ## Notes -...
Hi, ### Description I'm trying to use the **SLSQP** optimizer with equality and inequality constraints to port a code from python (using **scipy**) to C# (using [NLoptNet]( **nlopt** wrapper). When...
Be able to constrained edges as required for finite element method.
Add pathfinding support in primal and dual graphs.
Check changes needed to include `Locate` and `Insert` methods in spherical mesh.
Currently triangulation use only vertical cuts and then sorting is needed. Using alternating cuts can remove the need for sorting if combine with quick-select median-finding partitioning algorithm (more at this...
Be able to generate points in a grid. Also useful to test robustness of the algorithm.
Add implementation of [Lloyd relaxation]( to make cell more uniform.
[Format]( used by [Triangle]( software. Load inputs points and write triangles with reference to inputs points.