hello mate, can you post your layout xml example of the demo here i mean the layout behavior params and etc.
It would be nice if billing client is mostly handled on google lib side, I mean you can move the logic of starting and ending billing connection to your side,...
@matale thanks. did you have any memory leaks?
I agree. Comparing with ios android development is much harder. A lot of things we are doing on our side, have been already taken care of in ios. Also we...
In our case it's a bit different, we have 70/30 Android iOS but the 30% of ios users make the same revenue as 70% of android users. Usually ios users...
it's not only our experience, you can check uber, tinder, etc. The same situation. @fourofspades
> Look at that! Google is reducing their commission to 15% for the first $1M in sales every year starting July 1. Thanks for listening! thanks, Google) Good news!
probably check this
@arpitchoudhary your approach is not multithreading-friendly. You can use suspendCancellableCoroutine or flow for this purposes. e.g. ``` val billingResult = withTimeoutOrNull(7000L) { suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation -> billingClient!!.startConnection( object : BillingClientStateListener...