
Results 99 comments of Jellyfrog

We'd also like to see automatic folder creation

Seeing the same, Rhel 8.5 and 8.6 Rancher 2.6.4

Hackish workaround that seems to work: When setting up a new cluster, provide an extra cloud-init config for it: ``` #cloud-config runcmd: - 'hostnamectl set-hostname $(cloud-init query -a | grep...

oh yes sorry, dev build.

refactor branch is a lot snappier

Same here, often hangs when tailing a large log and then aborting (ctrl+c) in the middle

Maybe this could be splitted into multiple PRs to speed up time to market?

Gziping the output would yield a >90% compression ratio. Maybe its a good idea to always compress the files, even for local saved files?